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Managing and securing your valuable data.

Managing and securing your valuable data.

At Fitzrovia IT, we provide storage solutions that give our clients complete control of their valuable data assets.

We provide everything from Network Attached Storage (NAS) via on-site servers to cloud-based storage solutions so that we can deliver the storage solution to match your precise needs.

Implementation will vary from company to company, dependent on the scope and scale of your storage requirements and the level of IT support available within your team and budget.

In every case, you can be assured that the data, documents and files that are vital to your users are securely stored and backed-up.

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Quote Mark

“Thanks to our long standing relationship with Fitzrovia IT, we are secure in the knowledge that every step has been taken to ensure maximum data protection.”

Ben Smith

Ecovis Wingrave Yeats

frequently asked questions

Why do I need storage? Can't I just store everything in the cloud?

While cloud storage offers unmatched benefits for accessing and utilising your data, it can also incur unnecessary costs if it is where you store all your data. For example, you may need storage for seven years’ worth of data. However, only the most recent data will be frequently accessed and used. Instead of purchasing cloud space for the full amount, the better option would be to purchase only the cloud space necessary to store the constantly changed data. The other archive data would be better stored in a hard drive, ultimately saving your business money while also ensuring flexibility and convenience.

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