Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Top 10 cybersecurity tips for startups
October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, a global campaign to raise awareness about cybersecurity and encourage people to take steps to protect...
1 min read
FitzroviaMarketing : Mar 11, 2020 8:19:58 PM
WHO Warning
In a new take on a common phishing scam, criminals are posing as the World Health Organisation (WHO) aiming to trick users into disclosing personal details (especially usernames and passwords) or installing malicious software on victims computers.
In response, the WHO has issued a statement to warn the public and provide details on how to be sure that communications which appear to be sent by them are legiitmate.
Fitzrovia IT advises organisations on cyber security and recommends the following actions to prevent phishing attacks:
The UK Government provides details of what to do if you suspect an email is malicious and how to report it.
If you have any concerns, or think you might have clicked a link, opened a file or disclosed personal information, report it to your IT helpdesk as soon as possible so it can be investigated and advice can be provided as to how best to protect yourself. This may mean locking down accounts and removing any malicious software detected, so the sooner this can be done the better.
Improving Cyber Security
If your organisation is looking to improve cyber security, Fitzrovia IT offers comprehensive cyber security services including Cyber Essentials certification and penetration testing services for organisations who want to increase awareness, prevent common attacks and minimise the risk of disruption to their business.
October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, a global campaign to raise awareness about cybersecurity and encourage people to take steps to protect...
In a period of heightened awareness around the importance of maintaining strong cybersecurity practices, it feels essential to highlight one of the...
1 min read
Cyberattacks can happen on any device at any given time, so how do you know which devices to protect? Well, to understand this, it will help to...